Indian Summer in Paris


I had planned on staying in this weekend, just relaxing, watching movies and catching up on emails. But it seems that after all my complaining about the premature fall that descended on Paris in August, Summer has decided to show its face for one last glorious weekend which I plan on fully taking advantage of.

First up, food. There’s nothing better than getting up early and heading to your local café’s terrace for breakfast. The early morning sunlight gently wakes you while enjoying the still silent city.

Next, a light workout. I’ve been going to an indoor pool for a couple weeks and I love it! I don’t think there’s a better workout that doesn’t inflict serious pain. I can then lounge by the outdoor pool and treat myself to a timeout in the jacuzzi.  As the french say: “Après l’effort, le réconfort.” (after hard work or effort, you deserve to lean back and relax.)

A leisurely picnic on the quai by the Île Saint-Louis is always fun, followed by a stop at Berthillon, the best ice-cream known to man in this fair city.

A bit of culture with a quick stop by the Hussein Chalayan exhibit and off to drinks to where I started my day, on yet another Parisian terrace.

So tell me do you have anything planned out for this weekend?

On that note, a very Bon Weekend to you!


Filed under In The Mood For..

2 responses to “Indian Summer in Paris

  1. Sounds so relaxing! The weather has been so odd, but with the sun shining, we cannot complain. I’m glad you get to relax and enjoy.

    I’ve never been keen on ice cream but then I discovered Berthillon. I often find things that are hyped up tend to be mediocre at best, but this is a real exception and an absolute must. I go wild for the pain d’epice flavour. Enjoy! My sister and niece are visiting in a few weeks, I’ll take them there to experience a real taste of Paris.

    What type of tea is that? We heart Mariage Frères!

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